East Aurora Yoga

an affiliated Sivananda Center

A Friendly Place for Serious Yoga

Swami Prem Sadasivananda
 Long time Sivananda teacher and friend to 
EA Yoga 
November 8th and 9th, 2019

at St Matthias Church 374 Main Street EA 14052
Come join us as we get together and practice yoga, meditation, chanting, and discussion of aspects of our practice in these challenging times. 


More information coming soon. Don’t want to miss out? Email us  and ask to be put on our mailing list. (which by the way you can opt out of at any time...)

Take a look at our get together last spring:  
Friday March 29th
7PM-8:45PM Satsang: You Are The Architect of Your Future 
Inspirational talk 
The true gift and power of life are discovered in learning how to harness the power of our thoughts.  Our past, present and future is nothing but the interplay of thoughts made manifest. There is nothing that we cannot accomplish in time if we were to employ this power wisely. Come and enjoy the blend of practices - meditation, chanting with music and an inspirational spiritual talk.
No Charge. Free Will Donation 

Saturday March 30th

9AM-10:45AM Yoga Class: Staying Young Through Yoga
The class will focus on the principles of longevity as given in Hatha Yoga.
Students of all levels welcome.

$25 - https://www.vidya-samyogah.com/special-program-in-east-aurora
(Cut and paste link into your browser, links on page are not working)

12PM-1:30PM Lecture
Nurturing Sensitivity in Modern Times
Sensitivity is the essence of spiritual awakening. It is the art of cultivation of one of the most beautiful and delicate flowers of our heart – sensitivity. How to cultivate healthy and deep sensitivity. 
The talk will change the way you view your relationship with life! 
Followed by Q@A

$20 - https://www.vidya-samyogah.com/special-program-in-east-aurora
(Cut and paste link into your browser, links on page are not working)

Break for Cookies and Tea!
2-3:30pm SATSANG 
In Search of Meaning in Today’s World 
Inspirational talk 
As humanity is entering into an unknown era filled with challenges of all kinds we must, in in the name of the survival of human race and our spiritual resurrection, ask important questions about where we are going, and consequently engage the full potential and the creativity of our minds together in order to rediscover the forgotten meaning of life. 
Followed by discussion

$20 - https://www.vidya-samyogah.com/special-program-in-east-aurora
(Cut and paste link into your browser, links on page are not working)

Would you like to come for the whole weekend?  Only $60 and come to all events.
 Please send a check Made to: 
Vidya -Sam Yogah  c/o 21 Walnut Street/East Aurora, NY 14052  
We can also take cash/checks/credit cards at the door
 Or pay by pay pal here: 

For questions or to register: Call: 319-0725
or email: susan@eayoga.com

 Today's world can feel stressful and confusing. Come and spend some time with friends, and clear your mind and lift your energy high. Prem Sadasivananda is a joyful, dynamic, and intelligent speaker and yoga teacher. Come and be uplifted!